(*) Add command to strip selected messages of all NeXT/MIME/uu attached files. (== strip command)
(*) Alias add removes old with identical name
(*) Highlight mailboxes with new messages
(*) Sort by Threads
(*) Add command to fix current sort order.
(*) Allow user to specify additional header lines on a per-message basis.
(*) Re-add signatures when external programs launch Compose windows.
(*) Selectable quotation fonts
(*) Allow 'compact' to preserve indices
(*) NeXTmail indices
(*) Restore Drafts Deletes option (Too difficult to do right without Mail.app source ?)
(*) Retry all 0-length XImageURL images
(*) Force re-dl of XImageURLs. Expiry ?
(*) Spell-check Subject: line
(*) Option to automatically flag replied-to messages
(*) Add pref panels for undocumented Mail.app options
(*) Add icon well for Mail Document
Given Up On:
(*) Fix bug where Mail.app always saves drafts in NeXTmail format (add Received: ..NeXTmail.. _only_ for NeXTmail messages) (nah.... let Lennart fix that)
(*) Bleeding of Rich Text properties from signatures into surrounding area. Do something about this ?
(*) Mail filtering (including Mail sounds for each box) (leave that to the dedicated Procmail.bundle)
(*) Fetch mail with Pop/Imap (better leave that to Procmail.bundle too)